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CYO Registration


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St. Elizabeth CYO Athletics

St. Elizabeth CYO offers athletic activities for children in Kindergarten through high school. Currently available through CYO are fall soccer and winter basketball. Volunteer opportunities are available in coaching and several activities. For more information, please contact Mike Neary of St. E's CYO at



St. Elizabeth CYO Basketball registration is now open for boys and girls in Kindergarten through Grade 12. To be eligible to play with our CYO program, players must either be St. Elizabeth students or registered members of St. Elizabeth Catholic Church. 

Visit to register your child.   

Grades K-2 

Registration deadline: Oct. 11 

Cost: $100, payable via credit card through the online registration process.  

St. Elizabeth will partner with the City of Rockville Department of Recreation to offer basketball for boys and girls in Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2. All games will be played on Saturdays at school gyms within the City of Rockville. Families should register their children through the St. E’s CYO website.  Teams will be assigned in November. Practices will begin in December and games will begin in early January 2025If you want to play on the St. Elizabeth team, do not register directly with the City of Rockville. Register through the CYO website. 

Grades 3-4 

Registration deadline: Oct. 11 

Cost: $130, payable via credit card through the online registration process. 

St. Elizabeth will field teams for boys and girls in the CYO league. The teams are a combination of Grade 3 and Grade 4 players who play in an instructional league with no playoffs. There will be a skill evaluation process in November to evenly divide the teams. The date and time will be posted on the St. Elizabeth CYO website and families will receive an email with this information. Players can only participate in the evaluation if they have registered by the deadline. Play begins in early January.    

Grades 5-8  

Registration deadline: Oct. 11 

Cost: $130, payable via credit card through the online registration process. 

St. Elizabeth will field teams for boys and girls in the CYO league. Junior Varsity teams are a combination of Grade 5 and Grade 6 players and Varsity teams are a combination of Grade 7 and Grade 8 players. These teams typically play in competitive leagues with playoffs and the purpose of the evaluation is to place players with different skill levels on the appropriate team.  Evaluations will be held in St. Elizabeth gym in late October or early November. The date and time will be posted on the St. E’s CYO website and families will receive an email with this information. Play begins in December.  


-Players can only participate in the evaluation if they have registered by the deadline. 

-All players who sign up on time will be placed on a St. Elizabeth CYO team. 

-To be considered for an “A” team, you must be willing to commit to CYO basketball as your primary sports obligation this winter, otherwise the spot will not be held for you. 

–Both Varsity and JV A teams play in competitive divisions.  The evaluators and coaches will place each player based upon their evaluations. Coaches may have discretion over 2-3 spots on the roster in order to create the most competitive team.   

Grades 9-12 

Registration deadline: Oct. 11 

Cost: $130, payable via credit card through the online registration process.  

If there is sufficient interest, St. Elizabeth will field boys and girls teams in grades 9-12. Players who register will be contacted by the coaches to inform them of team assignments. Play begins in December.  

If you have questions about CYO Basketball, want to learn more about the evaluation process or are interested in coaching, please contact Mike Neary at or 301-717-9734. 



The basketball evaluation schedule is below.  All evaluations will take place in the St. E’s gym. There are no evaluations for K through 2nd grade teams.


Tuesday 10/15


5/6 Girls 6-7

7/8 Girls 7:30 to 8:30


Thursday 10/17


5/6 Boys 6-7

7/8 Boys 7:30 to 8:30


Tuesday 10/22 -- call backs if necessary


5/6 Girls 6-7

7/8 Girls 7:30 to 8:30


Thursday 10/24 -- call backs if necessary


5/6 Boys 6-7

7/8 Boys 7:30 to 8:30


Wednesday 11/6


3/4 Girls 6-7

3/4 Boys 7:30 to 8:30


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